Monday 4 July 2011

I was just thinking about memories that I might have forgotten when I got the idea of machines that could show your memories like playing a movie!!!!!!!!!!
I read somewhere that we humans use only 5% of our brains and that our brains actually store everything that we see hear and even that we may not see clearly!!!!!!!!!So I thought that if our brain stores these thing then it stores our memories also, so if we could just find which memory is stored where then we could just tap it and play the memory like we play movies.This way we will never forget anything because we have our whole lives as a movie!!!!!!
Now that I think of it, it could be quite useful.We would just need this type of a machine to find who did a theft.Even a dead person could be the witness we would just need to tap the memory and play it.It will be just crazy!!!!!!!!

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